And now, back to the point of this blog. Homemade bathtub paints!! I came across the idea on, where else, Pinterest! It's just food coloring and shaving cream. So easy! I came home and told Tony all about it, and, being the practical one, he was a little worried that the tub would get stained. So I googled "food coloring and shaving cream paint" and found lots of blog posts by Moms who swear by this method, and not one of them said they had a problem with staining. But, just to be safe, I only used 1-2 drops of food coloring in each blob of shaving cream. The "paints" ended up much lighter than the inspiration photo on Pinterest, but Chloe absolutely loved it and said it was the most fun she's every had in the bathtub. Success!
If you have any little ones in your home, I definitely suggest giving this a try!
Do you have any more tips for bathtime fun?
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