Thursday, February 14, 2013

be mine

Happy Valentine's Day!!

I know about half of you are probably anti-valentine's day, but I'm cheesy enough to still get excited for it every year.  And possibly even buy a special shirt for the occasion...

And now for a few V-day highlights!

1) Don't worry, I'm not going to get all mushy on you.  But I will say that today marks my third V-day with Tony!  (If you're bored, you can read about how we met here.  Hint: It involves beer pong.) We don't have any special plans for tonight other than taking Chloe swimming at the YMCA.  Who know, maybe someone there will be feeling all romantic and decide to return my phone!  But seriously, maybe this weekend we'll have a date night and go see a movie or something.  I really want to see Warm Bodies!  That's romantic...right?

2) Although I never got around to decking the halls with hearts this year, I did get a little crafty during my lunch break at work.  And let me just say, I think I got a blister on my finger from cutting all those dang hearts.  But now I get to stare at cute little hearts all day while I blog work away, so I'd say it was worth the pain!

3) I attempted to follow Kate's V-day nail tutorial, but as you can see, it's a little rough around the edges.  Note to self: must learn how to do my own cuticles.  Still cute though, no?

4) Valentine's Day Bunco!!  I go to a monthly bunco party with an awesome group of ladies, and last night they did not disappoint.  There was wine.  There was Bieber.  There was dancing.  Oh, did I mention there was wine?  And look, I'm even wearing the above-noted "special shirt"!

I hope everyone has an awesome Valentine's Day!!  And step away from that box of chocolates!

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  1. 14 empty bottles of wine, to be exact.


  2. Replies
    1. I think we just had a good photographer! I had to crop half my head off, I was having a weird hair night. :) Can't wait to see Courtney's pics!

  3. Hey, WB-er here!

    Your little heart nails are so cute, and I definitely recommend Warm Bodies, it's a really cute movie!

    1. Thanks for the comment, Whitney! I'm super excited to see that movie. :)

  4. I want to see Warm Bodies too! Can I be your date instead? I can assure you, I am cheap. And easy.

    1. Cheap & easy, just the way I like 'em! Although I plane ticket to WA would not exactly be cheap. Sorry!

  5. Aww super cute pictures!! Happy Valentines Day!!!

  6. Lovely post , nails look cute!

    xo Meg

  7. love those cut out hearts. I did that one year too! I didn't do as much as I usually do for Vday this year, but we DID make valentines! I wanted to have a whole Valentine party for Abraham... instead, we took him to the mall and bought him a new toy LOL

    1. Thanks, Brooke! Next year I'd like to plan ahead and do more decorating around the house started on Feb 1. I think it's so much fun for kids to stretch the holidays out as long as possible. And now we have Pinterest with so many great ideas! Glad Abraham got a new toy!


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