Monday, May 20, 2013

more paint & less floor

I hope your weekend was more relaxing than mine!  

We spent a total of 13 hours at the new place over the weekend.  It really is amazing how little you can get done in such a huge amount of time!  But we did manage to accomplish a few things.

Here's a before & after of the playroom.  I'm loving the bold teal color!  It's Behr Tropical Tide.

While I was busy painting away, Tony was doing all the back-breaking labor.  He pulled up all the carpet in the formal dining room, the area next to the kitchen, and the front entryway.

This is where things got tough.  He found a second layer of old linoleum underneath the carpet by the front entryway, which is the dark brown flooring you see in this picture.  See how it's broken into tiny pieces?  Yeah, that's how he had remove the floor.  Piece by aggravating piece.

It took forever, and this was only a tiny patch of linoleum by the front door! You can imagine Tony's despair when he ripped up the kitchen linoleum the next day, only to find about three times more of that same hard-to-remove layer underneath.

Luckily, he had a great idea that saved him a lot of time and stress.  Since we are going to install laminate flooring in the kitchen, he decided we can just lay the laminate over this linoleum, since it's pretty much flush with the rest of the floor.  Our friends Nathan & Laura came over Sunday to help out, so Nathan and Tony spent the afternoon hammering all the remaining staples deep into the floor.  They tried removing them but there were probably a thousand staples, and they weren't budging.  Laura and I spent our time painting Chloe's room and then painting the trim in the master bedroom (and trying not to pass out from the fumes!).  I'll be doing another coat on both rooms tonight, and then I'll have some more pictures to show you! 

 photo 6aea1961-02ec-4e8e-bd75-c531bef8bfa0_zpseb939cde.jpg


  1. you are so blessed to have such a handy man<3 Looking great girl.

    1. I know, we would be in trouble if he wasn't so handy! Its so impressive!

  2. Wear a mask, too many fumes :)

    1. I know!! I have a cold today and I blame the fumes.

  3. thats great progress! cant wait to see more!

    1. Thanks, I can't wait to show more! Im so sleepy at work right now and am having an internal debate on napping vs. painting.

  4. I love the new color you chose, it looks great! It's so nice to have such a handy-man around!

    1. Thanks! I love it too. I'm glad we picked fun colors for the playroom and Chloe's bedroom since the rest of the house is pretty neutral!

  5. Love the progress Rachael! Paint made a huge difference. Love the colors too!

    1. Thanks, Jamie! I'm not so sur I love Chloe's bedroom, I haven't posted a pic yet. It's a really bright aqua and Tony thinks it looks like a nursery! Hopefully once we decorate it, things will look better.

  6. Y'all are getting it done!! So excited for y'all!
    The new paint color = love.
    The flooring issues = suck! Geeze!! I hope that laying everything down will go a lot smoother!

    1. Thanks, Amy! Tony did a little research online and it seems like there is no issue with laying laminate flooring directly over the old linoleum, so I think we are good to go!

  7. Oh my goodness!! Looks like yalls hard work is paying off though :)

    I can KIND OF relate- we spent the weekend deep cleaning my apt and Drew's house to move out. Its hard exhausting work!!

    1. Oh man that's what we are going to be doing on Saturday! That is when we officially move in, so we have to clean the old place top to bottom. Booo!!

  8. wow that looks like so much work, OMG!!! i hate doing flooring! We did it in our bathroom at our old house & it was a small bathroom, but it's looking good on your newer post so you guys did great!


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