Wednesday, April 10, 2013

a letter to my job

Dear Job,

Thank you for letting me wear jeans to work, every day.  It's always casual Friday around here!

Thank you for providing me with unlimited amounts of ice water.  I seriously can’t  get enough of the stuff.

Thank you for letting my cubicle-mate be a cornucopia of knowledge in both celebrity gossip and office gossip, so I’m never behind on the dirt.

Thank you for the letting most of my meetings with my boss revolve around the previous week’s episode of Walking Dead.

Thank you for finally, finally giving me a window seat with an awesome view of downtown.

Thank you for the bowl of candy that’s always kept stocked in the file room.

Thank you for letting me leave at 4pm every day.

We’ve had our ups and our downs.  Our rocky times.  I haven’t always been faithful to you, but I’ve kept coming back. I love kinda like you, job!

What are some of the little things that make your job bearable?

 photo 6aea1961-02ec-4e8e-bd75-c531bef8bfa0_zpseb939cde.jpg


  1. Hi, can I work with you? I want to like my job too. I'll be a good cubby mate and I promise I'll never steal your stapler.

    BTW, GREAT post! This has me cracking up! Plus I love GIFs!!

    1. Good, cause if you tried I'd be like "please give me back my stapler!"

      I'm not as good at finding GIFs as you are, but I couldn't find many reality-tv GIFs to fit what I was looking for. Oh wait, that's because they don't have real jobs!!! :)


  3. Bwaaaahahaha I love this! Also, my cat totally does that with water. Or milk. Or anything her little tongue can reach.

    1. That is so cute!! Has she ever gotten her head stuck?

  4. haha this was awesome! leaving at 4pm sounds so nice!

    1. Thanks! It is nice, considering I have an hour and a half commute. :) So I still get home the same time as normal people.

  5. haha this is funny! :) sounds like a good job to me!

  6. Hahahah!! Too funny. Those gifs are hilarious!!!!

    Thanks for the laugh! :)

  7. I would like your job! :)
    I WISH i could wear jeans every day...or something. I'm expected to be in Business Casual/ Business dress every single day. It's nice for the first month then i realize "i don't have enough of those clothes" and "i wear everything at least twice a week" and "wholly crap it costs so much money to shop for this"

    1. I know exactly what you mean, that's how I felt at my last job! AND they required pantyhose!!

  8. Hahaha! This is awesome! My last job we could only wear solid black! We could accessorize with color, but still. I am SO GLAD my now-job lets me wear whatever i want! (within reason, haha!)

    That last pic in the elevator - HILARIOUS!

    1. Solid black?? Was it Victoria's Secret? Haha that is the first place that came to mind, they are always in black. It's so nice to wear jeans to work!!

  9. Sounds like an amazing job! I can one-up you on the jeans cause I get to rock yoga pants and sweats.. I work at a domestic violence shelter (less depressing than it sounds) and the dresscode (especially on weekends) is very casual. If I get dressed up in the least, all the clients wonder what's going on!

    1. Yoga pants to work, it doesn't get much better than that!!

  10. Sounds like an awesome job indeed, maybe I can join you guys on your next meeting about the Walking Dead? Hahahaha. Oh and it was so sad to see Andrea die, I definitely wasn't expecting it. I had a job that I really loved, but then I had to work weekends (Sundays included) and then I had to work at a certain shifts, times were I worked morning and other times I worked in the afternoon, then I started having to work from 8:30am-6:30pm, needless to say my love turned to hate. Hehehehe. But I am pretty happy with my home based job, I get to wear my pj's and crank up the music while working. Hehehehe. But I do miss being in an office, dressing up and doing my hair and make up and just being around people. =)

    1. Haha I was not too sad about Andrea, she sort of got on my nerves. :) Working weekends would be tough! I couldn't do it. I am super jealous of your home based job though! I'd love to do something like that!

  11. lol this is so funny & office space is one of my favorite movies! I used to hate working in a cubical, mine had no view!! But I did love the free coffee and hot chocolate mix I added to it as well as a FEW other things. My new job has a lot of rewards so I won't make you jealous. I sit at home reading blogs while my kid watches Toy Story! LOL (j/k, you know about how I had to clean up poop the last few days, right?!)

    1. Love Office Space!! And wait, no I don't think you told me about this poop story yet!!


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