Wednesday, April 17, 2013


 Ever played?  If not, you're missing out on a mighty fine time!

Contrary to what you might think, bunco night does not always look like this:

Or maybe you're picturing something entirely different, thanks to RHOC?

The bunco parties I've been to fall somewhere in the middle of these two extremes...but probably land a little closer to RHOC, if we're being honest!  P.S. Slade's mullet

A little over a year ago, my friends Laura and Lynsey decided to organize a monthly bunco party, and I'm so grateful that they did!  It has been so much fun, and such a good excuse to get all the girls together at least once a month.  You need 12 girls (or guys) to play, and we rotate each month so that everyone gets a chance to host.  The host serves dinner and/or appetizers, and each girl brings a bottle of wine and $5.  The winner walks away with $40, and the girl with the most buncos gets $20.  At least I think that's the breakdown. I wouldn't know since I've never won.  Yep, that's right.  In the 14 months we've been playing, I haven't won a single dollar.  I must be cursed!!

 I won't bore you with the rules of bunco, but you can read them here if you want.  But I will say that I never thought rolling a pair of dice over and over again could be so fun!  It's a super fast-paced, high energy game, and the never-ending flow of wine only makes things all the merrier.  Seriously, I think we normally go through all 12 bottles by the end of the night!!

Now doesn't that look exciting??

To mix things up a little, we started having themed parties four months ago.  Our first was a "snow bunny" theme in January.  Pssst - if you look really hard, you'll notice someone opted to wear boy shorts instead of pants!

And then of course we had a Valentine's theme.  I gotta say, I expected more pink!!  Don't mind my awkward crouching pose...

Our most recent theme was St. Paddy's Day.  Loved all the green!!

The only thing I don't like about bunco is the guaranteed hangover at work the next day.  But you know what, that is just the price you have to pay sometimes!  So go out, grab some friends/co-workers/family members/strangers off the street, and have yourself a rowdy night of bunco!!  It is so much more fun than it sounds, I promise!

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  1. I have to be honest, I had never heard of Bunco until your post and now I want to play!! I am super jealous of your group of friends! You guys look like you have a blast! I am pretty confident that if I lived closer to you, we would be Bunco buddies. You would probably win all my $$ too.

    1. I had never heard of it until Real Housewives! I love my bunco girls, i didn't even know half of them until we started playing but its easy to bond when wine's involved! And i forgot to mention this in the blog but more often than not, the night ends in a dance party!

  2. Oh, and Slade's mullet is EVERYTHING.

    1. I gave Tony an equally awesome mullet one time with my hair extensions, I'll have to find the pic. :)

  3. looks and sounds like so much fun!

    1. It's super fun, Hena!! The things girls start discussing after a few drinks never ceases to amaze me. :)

  4. I have heard only good things about Bunco, I may have to start Bunco nights!

  5. I've never played Bunco, but now I really want to! Looks like you ladies have a great time! I really want to start having a Bunco night.. ha ha.


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