Friday, January 11, 2013

high five for friday

Happy Friday!!  I'm linking up with Lauren at From My Grey Desk for her weekly High Five for Friday.  Love her blog!

Here are five of my highlights from this week:
1: My new teardrop necklace from Caroline G arrived in the mail yesterday.  Love it!

2: I've made it my weekend goal to create a jewelry holder similar to these, and found three perfect frames at Goodwill last night.  I will post pictures once I'm finished!

3: Monday marked the beginning of my attempt to get back on track with my eating habits, but this morning I splurged on a caramel macchiato from Starbucks. It was just what I needed on this cold, cold day!

4: The fact that downtown Seattle is still covered in Christmas lights adds some much-needed cheer to my work day.

5: I'm super excited to celebrate the birthdays of two very exceptional people tonight at a Mexican restaurant called Barrio.  I've been anticipating trying the battered cod tacos all week.

What were your highlights this week?  Do tell!



  1. Aw, fun post! I love your highlights. And I really need Starbucks in my life, like, yesterday. SO DELISH.


    p.s. I couldn't email you directly because you didn't choose an email when you left a comment! so I'll do it here! To answer your question about my photos, I use photoshop! :) It's an amazing thing! and I literally google EVERYTHING to help me figure it out haha

    1. Thanks for the comment! :) I need Photoshop in my life like you need Starbucks. :) Have a great weekend!!

  2. Ahhh that necklace! Its gorgeous!

    1. Thanks, Jessica! They come in all different colors, I really want the mint one! You should get one. :)


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